A knocked out tooth can cause panic in any heart, but quick thinking and staying calm are
best ways to approach this and all other dental emergencies. Dr. Elaine Selene Michaels and the
care experts at Dental Clinic Cosmetic and Family Dentistry in Sheffield encourage you to call
their office as soon as possible for guidance regarding emergency dental treatment. Taking
right steps now can prevent additional damage and costly dental restoration.
A broken or displaced tooth is usually not a cause for alarm, as long as decisive, quick
action is taken.
If the tooth has been knocked out, try to place the tooth back in its socket while waiting
see your dentist. Before doing so, gently rinse the mouth of any blood or other debris and
very gently rinse but do not scrub or use cloth to wipe off the tooth. Handle the tooth with
care, holding it by the crown without touching the root. After replacing the tooth in its
socket, place a cold cloth or compress on the check near the injury to help reduce swelling.
If you cannot place the tooth back in its socket, place it in a container of warm milk,
saline or the victim's own saliva. Keep it in this solution until you arrive at the
room or dentist's office.